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Writer's pictureCOSMI Sri Lanka

ASI holds its 5th Steering Committee Meeting — and LSI pilot initiatives conclude successfully.

The 5th Steering Committee meeting of the Alliance for Sustainable Infrastructure took place at the Hotel Renuka in Colombo recently. A highlight of the meeting were presentation on six large-scale infrastructure (LSI) pilot initiatives, implemented by member organizations, that were completed in June. The pilots, commenced in December 2021, focused on one or more of the thematic areas of public procurement, environmental impact assessment and involuntary resettlement to enhance participatory governance in LSI projects in Sri Lanka.

Seated (L-R): Shanmugam Senthurajah, SOND; Nilu Rajapakse, COSMI; Sarrah Sammoon, CIPE; Priyankara Costa, NAFSO; Samantha Abeywickrama, Convenor, ASI; Michael Schena, US embassy representative; Navvid Mushin, Verite Research; Tusitha Kumarakulasingam, WCIC; Chitranjali Dissanayake, WCIC; and Paramjith Kaur.

Standing (L-R): Anthony Jesudasan, NAFSO; Nimal Perera, Janavaboda Kendraya; K.D. Vimanga, Advocata; Sumhiya Sallay, Advocata; Marian Pradeepa, Janavaboda Kendraya; Dakshina Danidu; and Shakeel Latiff.

Absent: Shamila Rathnasooriya, MONLAR; Maheshika Premachandra, MONLAR; S.T. Ganeshalingam, SIDPS; A.C.R. John, SIDPS; K. Premalathan, SWOAD ; V. Paramasingam, SWOAD; Kirupairajah Gowriswaran, TISL; and Anjana Wickremarachchi, TISL.

The piloted initiatives engaged with selected LSI projects to address governance-related concerns and grievances of affected the local communities by employing a novel six-pillar engagement strategy introduced by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and knowledge partner, Verité Research. The initiative was supported by CIPE, which works to support democracy and strengthen the private sector through private enterprise and market-oriented reform.

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